Wednesday 10 March 2010

Learn About the Best Anti Aging Skin Care

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Don't buy anti aging natural skin care products, until you get some education. The best anti aging skin care products are safe and contain nothing harmful, but the ones that you see in the department stores and on TV are simply not the best. They're not even very good.

Most anti aging natural skin care products rely on advertising, fine print and the consumer's lack of knowledge to sell their products. That's why they are always coming out with something new and improved.

They cannot rely on their effectiveness and reputation. Manufacturers of the best anti aging skin care rely heavily on research and development, so that they can be sure to have high quality ingredients that will keep their customers coming back for more.

Regulations concerning advertising and marketing, as well as labeling, are lax, to say the least. A company can say that it provides anti aging natural skin care products and still include harmful chemical preservatives and cheap components that actually do more harm than good.

Paraffin wax and petrolatum for example are common ingredients in the so-called best anti aging skin care systems. Bovine collagen is also used as well. Many people are allergic to these compounds.

Paraffin wax, petrolatum and other petroleum or mineral oil derivatives clog the pores and destroy the healthy pH balance naturally found in the skin's layers. One company that claims to offer the best anti aging natural skin care for around the eyes uses paraffin wax. When used at night, it irritates the eyes, disturbs sleep and you end up looking worse in the morning than you did the night before.

Another, of the so-called anti aging natural skin care products contains a compound that was recently classified as possibly carcinogenic. A compound may be naturally occurring and still be unsafe.

The best anti aging skin care system combines dietary, lifestyle factors and nourishing supplements that we know are safe, because we eat them every day. Unless, of course you happen to be allergic to food stuff like avocados, you should be perfectly safe.

When we talk about dietary factors, we just want you to eat right. A complete guide to eating healthy would take a book to write. Lifestyle factors have mostly to do with the sun. Proper nourishment applies to both and there are special anti aging natural skin care products that provide specific nourishment applied directly.

The best anti-aging skin care creams contain antioxidants, including wakame, co-enzyme Q10 and vitamin E. They have to be manufactured correctly or the body cannot use them.

H EQ10 is a specially formulated combination of naturally occurring vitamin E or alpha-tocopherol and Coenzyme Q10 that has been shown in clinical studies to penetrate deeply through many of the skin's layers. Only the best anti aging skin care products contain these antioxidants in the right form and the right content to be effective.

This is by no means everything that you need to know before you go shopping for anti aging natural skin care products. It's just enough to get you pointed in the right direction.

By Laurel Levine

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